Merits of Sports Massages
It is a known fact that professional sportsmen and their coaches have stated the benefits of massage therapy for many years, some of them even keep sports massage therapists on their payroll, and until of late there has been no scientific evidence to show the positive impact that massages have on professional sports people. As per a certain massage association a massage acts to improve the performance, prevent injury, reduce pain, shorten recovery time and encourage focus and it basically involves two kinds of responses, one that is mechanical due to the pressure and movement and a reflex response that emanates when the nerves respond to the stimulation due to the massage.
There are plenty of physiological effects of Edmonton Therapeutic Massage and one of them is that it affects the cardiovascular system by dilating blood vessels thus helps them to work more efficiently and promotes circulation and the manual assistance of helping venous blood flow back to the heart and enhances blood flow back to the that delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes waste products and toxins.
It is good to note that Edmonton Deep Tissue massage therapy also has many benefits to the muscular system, and one of these advantages is tied to the cardiovascular benefits because of the increased blood circulation it reduces soreness, aids to reduce muscle tension and increases the speed of recovery and over time the relaxes muscle can see an increase in the flexibility and the range of motion. A certain study has shown that a massage reduces inflammation and enhances the growth of new mitochondria that produces energy in the cells after a duration of strenuous exercise.
In a popular study noted that the athleticism required in competitive sports does not only rely on physical strength and there is the element of the psychological effect provided by an athlete by an experience like a massage can be vital in a non-physiological manner.
These benefits include reducing stress, tension, and anxiety while at the same time promoting an ambiance of being calm by activating the parasympathetic system that increases the levels dopamine and serotonin levels and reduces cortisol levels that are directly linked to stress. Sports massage therapy induces a peaceful state that decreases tension and encourages the person to focus, and all these states are good before the person goes into any sport, competition, or group exercise. Research has shown that in relaxation before athletic and exercise activity exercise can have the following effects: decrease muscle tension, promote relaxation, aid athletes monitor their muscle tone, reduce the stiffness and soreness of muscles after exercise, increase the range of motion, enhance athletic endurance, and even prevent injuries when the massage is frequently done.